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RELATIONSHIP – Cheaters are healthier and most likely happier, study reveals

People who cheat on their partners are healthier and fitter than their monogamous counterparts, a survey by Victoria Milan has revealed.

Victoria Milan is a premier infidelity website for men and women who wish to have anonymous online affairs.

The official European BMI – a measurement of body fat based on height and weight – is 26.2 for males and 25.5 for females. (story continues after the photo)

According to the survey, the average BMI for actively cheating European members of Victoria Milan is lower than the average; 25.9 for males and 25.1 for females, indicating a healthier approach to life.

Explaining the results of the survey, Sigurd Vedal, Founder and CEO of Victoria Milan said: “Cheaters are more motivated to look great and stay in shape. Hitting the gym or going for a jog gets those endorphins pumping, and of course people are boosted by the physical results they see in the mirror. Cheaters also know how to strike a balance – everything in moderation – sex, diet and exercise are a successful combination for cheaters!”

Male cheaters said they wanted to stay fit in order to look good for their lovers while female cheaters said they toned up for their partners. It however emerged from the survey that both males and females wanted to stay fit so as to feel good in their own bodies.

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