Italian men are known worldwide as great lovers. There are however important things any foreign lady should know in order to have a lasting relationship with an Italian man.
The following tips have been prepared by to help foreign ladies prepare to date Italian men.(story continues after the photo)

Be informed that Italian men are Mama’s Boys: According to, it is important for any lady considering dating an Italian man to know that generally Italian men are mama’s boys. They love and are devoted to their mothers, so it is important for a lady thinking of getting along with an Italian man to win the affection of his mother. “Keep in mind, that you will be the second love of his life, if a relationship develops. His mama will always be his first. Your relationship is doomed to fail if you rock the boat on this subject,” warns
Italian men are Casanovas: Apart from being great lovers, Italian men are not afraid to show how they feel about you. You should therefore prepare for a lot of touching and kissing, “and get ready for a great time in the bedroom.”
Italian men are Possessive: Well, ladies, be informed that Italian men are not only possessive but may get jealous if you look at another man. To avoid problems, avoid looking at other men the wrong way.
Italians can be loud and expressive: In family gatherings for instance, people easily express their opinions or argue vociferously but it ends there. The next minute all are laughing heartily. You should therefore prepare for these loud family gatherings.
Do you agree with the above tips? What’s your experience with an Italian man? Please leave your comments below.